Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Confirmation Hearing will be Held this Week

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Autism Action Network, Teachers for Choice and AV24 brought two buses filled with health freedom fighters to Washington DC from New York for Robert F. Kennedy’s confirmation hearing. The chronic disease epidemics afflicting America’s children must end.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Must Be Confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services

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Hundreds of Advocates Converged on Albany, NY on 1/14/25 to Fight for Medical Freedom!



We have a bi-partisan slate of bills we call the Human Rights Agenda. All of the bills we are fighting for would restore rights we once had but were taken from us by the drug industry and their puppets in Albany. 

Those bills are:

Restore the religious exemption from vaccine mandates to attend school. A right still enjoyed in 45 other states, and in New York up until 2019. A6676/S118 Take action and learn more here

Require a parent to be present when an immunization is given to a minor. This is already required by Federal law, but New York State simply ignores that. And three separate proposed laws take away parents' rights to even know what medical procedures are done to our children. A4460/S5718 Take action and learn more here

 Allow people injured by mandated vaccines to sue governments that mandated the vaccine, If a government requires people to get a vaccine, then that government must take legal responsibility for any injuries caused by the mandate.  A6451/S4316 Take action and learn more here


Let Us Work Act, Make New York City rehire all workers fired for refusing the COVID-19 shot. A9196a/S7466b Take action and learn more here

Education for All Act, Return physicians' authority to write medical exemptions from vaccine mandates without interference from the NYSDOH or schools. Give back the right to medically fragile children go to school.  A10417a/S9351 Take action and learn more here





Sen. Brad Hoylman just named his bill to make it mandatory to enter all adult vaccine records into the State Database the RFKJR Act (Registry for Keeping Justified Records Act.)  The point is to know who to punish in the future. A7154/S1531 Take action and learn more here


This barbaric bill would allow doing any medical procedure or giving any medical product to a child of any age without parental knowledge or consent.  A6761,  Take action and learn more here


Note bill numbers will all change in January.


US Take Action: 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s

Confirmation is Far from Certain

Click on the links below to


Bad Bills

NY Take Action: Stop S1531, the mandatory adult vax database. What will they do with your info?

NY Take Action: Stop A6761, Eliminates your right to even know what is done medically to your children

NY Take Action: Stop A276b/S762a, Stop STI shots and drugs for children without parental consent

NY Take Action: Stop A995a/A2445a, Physician assisted suicide threatens people with autism and developmental disabilities

NY Take Action: Oppose S6103, No Vaccines for 14-year-olds without parental consent

NY Take Action: Oppose A2125/S8113, No repeal of religious exemptions from vaccine mandates for work or college

NY Take Action: Oppose A1811/S1945, No Flu Shots to Attend School

NY Take Action: Oppose A2905, NYS Health Dept. should not make medical exemption decisions

NY: Stop S624, No mandatory COVID shots for college students



NY Take Action: Pass A7004/S7580, People with Disabilities have a Right to 911 Emergency Services

NY Undo the Damage: Pass A6676/S118 Restore the religious exemption from vax mandates for school

NY State Take Action: Pass S7466a/A9196, Let NYC employees fired for refusing the COVID shot return to work

NY Take Action: Support S5715/A4460, Requires a parent to be present when a vax is administered

NY Take Action: Support S4316/A6451, Restore the right to sue for vaccine injuries

NY Take Action: Support A3997/S1636, Prohibit mandatory COVID shots for Work and College

NY Take Action: NY Obey the law, Let children’s doctors not school principals decide on medical exemptions from vax mandates

NYC TAKE ACTION! Pass Resolution 5 in the New York City Council to support reinstating all Fired Unvaccinated Workers



The NY bill to allow any medical procedure to be done to any child of any age without parental permission is DEAD for this year!

Good news! S8352 is Dead! This is the bill that would allow any medical procedure to be done to any minor of any age without parental knowledge or consent.

Yesterday it appeared on the NY Senate website that the bill was "stricken" which means the bill's sponsor Sen. Rachel May (D-Syracuse) pulled the bill. 

Without a Senate bill this cannot become law and it is likely that the Assembly will take no action during the time that remains in this session (wraps up on June 6.) This also means that the other bill that attacks parental consent,  A276a/S762b, is probably dead in the water too. 

Interesting that this happen three business days after we appeared in Albany in force. I also think that it shows that when we have a politically broad spectrum of people form all around the state we can get results in Albany. 

The big threat now on vaccine rights in Albany is S1531, the bill to make the adult vaccine database mandatory. Stay tuned.

Thank you to all who came to Albany for the 

Vaccine and Human Rights Action Day on 1/23!

Thank you to everyone who made it to Albany yesterday for the Vaccine and Human Rights Action Day! Hundreds of meetings were held with legislators and their staff, and thousands of letters were delivered.  

After three years of being locked out of the buildings, getting past the threshold, and talking to the legislators and their staff will be crucial to stopping the many bad bills, and possibly moving some good bills forward. The threats are many and growing.

Just yesterday we learned that Senator Rachel May (D-Syracuse) had introduced Senate Bill S8352, a companion bill for Assemblymember Karines Reyes’ (D-Bronx) A6761, the bill we call, “The worst children’s health bill ever.”  S8352/A6761 would allow any medical procedure: drugs, vaccines, dentistry, hospitalization, even surgery, to be done to minors of any age without parental knowledge or consent, and Medicaid would automatically pay for it. It repeals our most fundamental right as parents. 

Your active engagement with the legislators is essential for our success. There are more than 60 legislators who are new since 2019. We need to educate them. Many legislators badly need educating, some are still requiring people to wear masks in their offices. Sen. Zellnor Myrie, Sen. Roxanne Persaud, and Assemblymember Aileen Gunther still have signs on their office doors requiring all who enter to wear a face mask. These are the people making health decisions for you and your children. 

Thank you again to all who schlepped to Albany on a cold winter day, and to those who provided support from home. 

If you support the work of the Autism Action Network, please make it possible to stay in the fight by DONATING HERE.

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